Media Musings

A blog for students and stalkers of Brian Steffen, centering on issues of concern in media studies.

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Location: Indianola, Iowa, United States

Hello all... I'm a professor of communication studies at Simpson College and a junkie of all things media. I'm blogging on life on the faculty at Simpson and working with some of the best young future professionals in the world.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cold Coffee for Starbucks

Paul McCartney's much-ballyhooed summer CD, Memory Almost Full, wasn't really a flop, but neither did it bring in much in profit for Starbucks, whose Hear Music label put out Sir Paul's latest album in a one-off deal that launched a foray into exclusive music sales.

The idea was that Boomers, patiently waiting for their coffee, would snap up what's really a good album (total disclosure: I bought my copy on iTunes) in big numbers, reversing a long-term downward trend in music-industry sales. Industry analyst Bob Lefsetz reports that, two months after release, Memory Almost Full, sold a paltry 6,821 copies last week for a total of 511,488 units since release.

Doing the math, that's less than $10 million in sales -- not bad, you say, until you figure in the no-doubt mammoth advance paid to the artist along with the advertising and marketing costs. So it's back to the record-industry drawing board.


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