Old Media Rule New Media
So much for the idea that new media sites would push the MSM out of the fray when it comes to doing quality journalism on the Web. As Richard Roeper points out in today's Chicago Sun-Times, the nominees for top honors in the Online Journalism Awards are pretty much all old-school newspapers and magazines:
Really? Where are you getting your news? From the conservative and liberal radio talk show hosts who rely on the mainstream media for about 99 percent of their information, even as they're questioning that information? From the bloggers who soak up the news via the wire services, Time.com, Newsweek.com, and about 50 other mainstream-news-organization-dot-coms, before they unleash their opinions?
The delivery system of choice for millions is now the computer instead of the mailman or the newspaper vendor. But in most cases, the news-gathering process remains the same.